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Old 06-27-2013, 12:51 PM   #13
a beautiful fool
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wow, i didn't realize what a butchering the voice to text gave that post. you really have to talk like a robot when there is background noise.

so, yeah. the place I'm in does not have a clean-out. ...and the landlord just re did the drain system a month before I moved in... must have opted not to have a clean-out installed at that time.

This trip cost him $600.

The upstairs neighbor's stuff was in the part of the basement that got wet.... and shitty... I'll post a couple pics in a minute... but there were globs of shit on top of the washing machine that sits under the drain pipe.


The plumber(who got a $20 tip from me) that came did me a huge solid, and cleaned the bathroom floor up with bleach. even did half way up the walls.... All I had to clean was the tub, and that only had a little bit in it. oh, and the kitchen sink.... again. after the bird, I had just cleaned the kitchen sink, counters, window sills and the mantle piece in the living room.

so, I guess the silver lining is that my house got cleaned yesterday.
There's a Shadow just behind me. Shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. _tool
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