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Old 06-06-2013, 01:11 PM   #6
Ocean's Edge
is a beach
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: One step back from the end of the world
Posts: 245
been thinking about something else too lately....

while this might be a way to 'earn a living', copy writing isn't/doesn't feel like a new career path, it's a skill, I'm good at it, it should be marketable, but it's not a passion ... life ambition. Writing novels - yes - but I haven't sold one of those yet.

So in the search for possibly profitable new directions, I'm also considering a taking a course in canine hydrotherapy, possibly followed by a course in canine therapeutic massage. It feels like something I could be really passionate about.

Of course we're a long way (like an inheritance) away from being able to afford the kind of infrastructure I'd need to be able to practice it - and even then it might not be PRACTICAL - but then again neither is his laser business. In the meantime, my own newf has joint issues which are not going to get better for him as he ages so the skills learned won't ever go to waste....

So I continue to look for internet based writing / media opportunities to pay the bills and look at this as a longer term new career path, and keep writing because well - that's what I do.

I think

At least until the next bright idea hits me
Schrodinger's cat is a koan.
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