Thread: Is it Art?
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Old 01-13-2002, 01:03 PM   #6
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I have visited it in Austria

Originally posted by datalas
Are (were) these Real people?, Were they consulted?, are their families aware that they have been skinned, stuffed and mounted?
Yes, yes and yes. Those people had explicitly donnated their body to become part of the exhibition.


I don't know why, but this strikes me as sick. I have little understanding in why people would like to wrap themselves in dead animals, let alone stare at dead people.
The teaching power of those models is increadible. All the important little details are preserved. For once I could see from my own eyes, just how those human anatomy panes we all learned from realy are precise. In short : we aren't pastel-colored inside. And those nerves really are there, so you better be careful next time you decide to hurt yourself.


I suppose I'm wrong, but I am begining to think of "art" as something made solely to extend the boundries of tastelessness.
The exposition was about learning anatomy the way only med students used to be allowed to. It was also about our attitude towards the human body. Also part of the exhibition was the expression on people's faces. Grave, moved and thoughfull was the base line, though their scientific curiosity was omnipresent, for it had drew them to the exhibit in the first place. Finaly, a deep respect for our physicality and mortality filled the place. It simply was impossible to be unaffected.

It is unfortunate it is here being presented as an art show. It wasn't. This was the work of a skillfull surgeon and a teacher. One or two pieces were made with artfull intent, such as the chess master pictured today. I aswell found those out of place and unnecessary.

The are more picture and the Dr. Von Hagens' vision statament at
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