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Old 05-30-2013, 12:38 PM   #8
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From the Oregonian article:
The Center for Food Safety, based in Washington, D.C., said the U.S. Department of Agriculture (i.e. the fox) has "once again failed to protect the food supply from GE crop contamination." (the henhouse)
The current Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack had this to say back in '02 about GMO crops:
SOURCE: Associated Press, by Mike Glover
edited and sent by Agnet, Canada
DATE: Oct 24, 2002

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DES MOINES, Iowa - Gov. Tom Vilsack was cited as writing in a letter to the
Biotechnology Industry Organization that a decision by a biotechnical
industry group not to grow genetically engineered corn for pharmaceutical
purposes in states such as Iowa is "a dangerous precedent," adding that "I
feel this decision by for a pharma-crop ban is a knee-jerk reaction that is
not fully warranted by the scientific evidence." BIO was cited as saying
this week that its members had agreed not to grow pharmaceutical crops in
states where it could contaminate neighboring crops intended for human
consumption. That includes Iowa, and Vilsack reacted quickly, dashing off a
letter asking the group for a clarification of its policy. Vilsack was
quoted as saying, "I support food safety and security, but this decision
appears to be overreaching. It seems more like an effort to exclude the
nation's most productive farmers, small businesses and university
researchers from this emerging industry." Vilsack has said the state could
have a bright future in developing genetically engineered crops for the
pharmaceutical industry.
From Wikipedia:
Reaction to Vilsack's nomination from agricultural groups was largely positive and included endorsements from the Corn Refiners Association, the National Grain and Feed Association, the National Farmers Union, the American Farm Bureau Federation, and the Environmental Defense Fund.[19] Opposition to the nomination came from the Organic Consumers Association, which outlined in a November 2008 report several reasons why it believed Vilsack would be a poor choice for the position, particularly as energy and environmental reforms were a key point of the Obama campaign.[20]
Among those reasons the report cites: Vilsack has repeatedly demonstrated a preference for large industrial farms and genetically modified crops;[21] as Iowa state governor, he originated the seed pre-emption bill in 2005, effectively blocking local communities from regulating where genetically engineered crops would be grown; additionally, Vilsack was the founder and former chair of the Governor's Biotechnology Partnership, and was named Governor of the Year by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, an industry lobbying group.[22]

I'm sure the rest of the department of agriculture reads like a Who's who? of the bio-tech industry.
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