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Old 05-28-2013, 02:40 PM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by Coign View Post
Back home in Minnesota white-tail deer is our biggest hunting sport. And it is conservation by hunters that brought the deer from 300,000 in 1950 to more then 30 million today. They were so good at conservation that we have too many deer now.
I disagree.

Hunters have never set the laws for hunting. That is the bureaucracy of the state - which is always looking for more $$$.

Their normal mode is to increase license, supplies, tags, fuel, costs, etc., so they make more $$$ per hunter. Then, if they also increase the number of deer, and their distribution, they hope they can entice more hunters into the fields, every year.

This is not chump change for most states - it's hundreds of millions of dollars. Not only does each hunter pay a fee directly to the state, but each sporting goods dealer makes money, so each store also pays more in taxes, to the state.

What they forget, as liberals always seem to, is that if you raise the fees and taxes too much, the hunters find something else to do, besides going hunting.
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