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Old 05-27-2013, 01:30 PM   #14
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 378
Dr wants to see me this week, something is not right with my blood work. BUT he was not worried enough to have me in last week, said it could wait until the results of the ultrasound came in, so I did not have to go in twice in 8 days. So that means its not that bad. Still waiting for the bone scan.
I still hurt, but no worse, so thats a good thing. I am stressing financially mind you, I was the primary bread winner... and now nothing. In a month I might have a house, but no power or internet or groceries LOL I know something will work out, as it always does, and my little family will bounce back one way or another... but wow. Never expected to be sidelined by a slip and unending pain. I am insured for loss of limbs, and death.... not "little" things. I encourage everyone to re-examine thier insurance packages. If an extra $10 a month could save you from this, I would recommend it!
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