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Old 05-24-2013, 07:31 AM   #71
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Went to the Job Centre today.
Was told confidentially by the claims processor I saw to go for ESA instead (Employment & Support Allowance.) She was impressed by my bruises and the litany of tests I've been through, especially that I had to go all the way to Cambridge.

"Go home, call this number and please, look after yourself."
What a nice person.
So I did that, and all is good on that front.

Not so good on the quitting work and what day I resigned on front.
My letter was dated 3 May. It wasn't opened until nearly two weeks later, because it was addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Governors, who I had been dealing with. I had a letter accepting my resignation on 17 May, after I chased it.

They dated my resignation from 3 May.
Fair enough, you'd say. Except until I had formal acceptance of resignation I couldn't claim any benefits; they won't backdate. I'm trying to get them to, but I'm not an unstoppable force and they are an immovable object.

So I've been trying to work on the school too, explaning that due to what is effectively an administrative delay, I will have two weeks without any pay or benefits.

I know this will sound laughable to people in the US, but I am actually trying to follow the rules here, and I've been honest with the school and the Benefits Agencies all the way along the line. These trips to and from Luton and Cambridge need to be paid for, as do prescription medicines and any costs required in looking for work. I'm lucky in that the 'rents are supporting me at below market value. They let me pay a share of bills because their mortgage is paid off. Because of them I have an interview next week; without them I couldn't afford the internet required to search for work online, or even stamps and envelopes to send out CVs. And I have been trying.

Anyway, waiting for forms to come from the ESA people.
You bet I'll fill them in and return them the next day!

Below are flowers bought for me by Mum's friend (who picked me up)
She's not exactly my cup of tea, but she's been there for Mum and has honestly had her share of trouble. I mean, WAY more than Mum has had with me. So it was a gesture that brought tears to my eyes.

Although I did joke with Mum that I wish she'd bought me a fruit basket instead
It was only said to make Mum laugh, I'm not that ungrateful!
Veggie chilli tonight, to get back to low calorie, high fibre meals.
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Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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