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Old 03-15-2004, 08:30 AM   #39
I can hear my ears
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Originally posted by godwulf

I'm not going to waste either my time or that of anyone else on this board with some kind of a personal pissing contest with you or anybody else, jinx, so if you need to have the last word, go ahead - it will be. If you want to engage in a discussion, rather than simply attack other people for having opinions you don't like to hear, have at it.

yet, your previous post contained this:
Seriously, the post by jinx, in pseudo-response to mine, was really pretty dumb, and didn't seriously address my post in anything like a thoughtful way - it was just sort of the rhetorical equivilent of "Oh, yeah?".

In the brief time that I've been reading and posting here, I guess I've gotten spoiled in that most participants seem to have sufficient respect for, and confidence in, their own intellects to keep things on a slightly higher level - but I guess there's at least one in every crowd, so to speak.
it seemed to me that she questioned a point in your first post, and YOU made an assumption ( a wrong one btw) that jinx is the " dummy of the bunch". YOU personally attacked HER. Just because you didn't understand her question doesn't make HER stupid.
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