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Old 03-15-2004, 08:11 AM   #36
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 96
but still needed to vent for 6 or 7 more paragraphs.
I'm not going to waste either my time or that of anyone else on this board with some kind of a personal pissing contest with you or anybody else, jinx, so if you need to have the last word, go ahead - it will be. If you want to engage in a discussion, rather than simply attack other people for having opinions you don't like to hear, have at it.

It seems to me that in your previous posts, you might be proving one or two of my points.

If I write, in any given post, too much for your taste, it's probably because I wanted to make myself clear, and leave as little room as possible for misunderstanding - not because I "needed to vent".

The "Can't we all just get along" line was just a joke - the fact that the next line started out "Seriously..." probably tipped most people off to that.

I'm reminded of a cartoon I read once that featured a large, angry woman, standing behind a counter and shouting down at a man half her size, "This is a feminist bookstore...there IS no humor section!"
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