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Old 05-09-2013, 06:33 PM   #63
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Fox News
Has US diplomat Gregory Hicks suffered political retaliation
for revealing details of the lethal terrorist attack in Benghazi,
Libya, last Sept. 11?
That’s a big question raised by Wednesday’s House Committee
on Oversight and Government Reform.
This is the latest question the Republicans are pushing on to the American public.

But regardless of the FOX NEWS spin, Hicks testified yesterday that
he had been told to NOT meet with House investigators,
and yet he did ... [meet with them]...and spoke out about his opinions of the decisions made in D.C.

I was instructed not to allow the RSO [Regional Security Officer],
the acting deputy chief of mission and myself to be personally interviewed
by Congressman Chaffetz.
He is now whining that because he did go ahead and meet with the Congressman,
he has been "effectively demoted to a desk job"

From my experience, this is pretty much SOP for any government employee
that does not follow what his superiors have already ordered him to do or not do.

The rest is partisan (Republican) politics.
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