Thread: Cellar Dreamin'
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Old 05-06-2013, 03:29 AM   #187
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Seems to be the season for Cellar Dreamin'.
I spose it's a bit Tom Jones given that I spoke to two Dwellars yesterday and fell asleep halfway through mentally composing a post - you didn't miss anything, it was a grumpy one I've since thought better of.

Anyway. I had a wonderful story I was planning (this comes partly from a collection of stories put together by Neil Gaimen that I am halfway through.) Only Diz jumped on my head and woke me up and I could only remember the title. I was sleeping downstairs on one of the 'rents lovely new leather recliner sofas.

The title was The Girl Who Learned to Purr.
Bruce said it sounded like the title of an autobiography. Which I liked! So I started mentally writing my autobiography. Only to wake in my own bed (for real this time) because... Diz jumped on my head. Funny how even dreams within dreams feature that event. I actually wrote the title down, because in the dream it was so wonderful. It doesn't really translate into the waking world.

Anyway, I set up the bed in the spare room (Mum was actually sleeping dowstairs - she has some really grim sickness bug again - this one featuring vomiting as an added extra). And when I slept I dreamed I was in America. The people I visited kept sorta changing their identity. I offended Grav by thinking he was Buster (yup, easy to work that one out!) I was staying at a Dwellar's house out in the suburbs and just loafing around in my baggy joggers and a t-shirt. I felt a bit weird about it; I'd come all this way and I might as well be at home.

But I was paying for my keep by baby-sitting. No surprise, the kids were the same age as the kids I used to work with. In the dream I knew who they were, but I'm not sure they were really based on anyone's children. Oh! Just thought! One of them was Max! I was making him laugh by attempting an American accent. Yes, he was a Merkin in this dream.

We went to a department store - me still horribly dressed down and needing a good wash. And went into a HUGE lift. It was so large it had it's only little booth/ shop-thing. Like they have on station platforms. It sold hotdogs, nachoes, popcorn and various "American" food which is nothing like real American food. We were going there to meet Claudette.

I was with Susan. Who was a Dwellar I'd known for a long time. But I couldn't remember her username. I thought it might be Griff.

I woke up natrally from this dream, as Diz is not allowed in the spare room without supervision. And I had to deal with Claudette being dead all over again.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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