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Old 04-29-2013, 01:22 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by ZenGum View Post
How can one believe in Evolution AND creation?
Simple. Creationism is evolution explains to those who had not yet learned basic concepts. Those parables concepts similar to what Dr Seuss also taught children in "Cat in the Hat". As early science books (ie Bible) were replaced by later editions, then more of god's laws were learned. Taught to us by so many of god's prophets (ie Newton, Darwin, Einstein, etc) So many of god's laws have now been revealed that we had to break god's laws up into subjects - physics, chemistry, law, geometry, mechanics, calculus, biology, etc.

Unfortunately, many have not learned beyond the first printing. Are told and only understand science as it was known in prehistoric times.

Furthermore, top management can enrich itself by brainwashing these people. By claiming that no later additions exist. Keeping these people naive means scam artists, masking as ministers and clergy, can even own fleets of private jets.

A friend, who made a living doing scam phone calls, loved calling the most religious. They would virtually believe everything he told them. Some people remain that easily brainwashed.
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