Thread: Obamacare
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Old 04-27-2013, 08:32 PM   #77
King Of Wishful Thinking
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We will all know when Obamacare has succeeded when the first Republicans go back to calling it it The Affordable Care Act. This of course will not work well, since they have spent years attaching Obama's name to it.

You know it's too late when wiki puts in a redirect ....

If they had tried this bullshit decades ago, Social Security would be called Roosevelt Security.

BTW, Brooks is right about one thing. Obamacare is a sea change. It is not a band-aid. For good or ill is an at least partial overhaul of an entire system. There will be adjustments. We will see the real result in 5-10 years. There will always be detractors, even if there is a consensus that it turns out to be an improvement. But then again, some of the people who disagree with Obamacare still think the Earth is only 10,000 years old.
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