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Old 04-10-2013, 07:27 AM   #12
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by wolf View Post
Thanks to a friend, I just started reading the books by Jim Butcher. I'm 3-1/2 books in, which gives me a pretty good feel for the character, storylines, etc.

I had not held much hope for the SciFi Channel series, since they have a tendency to take something really good and figuring out the shortest distance to total stink.

My impression of the first episode:

Wrong Coat
Wrong Car
Wrong Apartment
Wrong Relationship
Wrong Bob
Wrong Murphy

I'd be interested in the impression of someone who hasn't read the books, though.

The storyline wasn't completely excreble, but it wasn't based on any stuff from the books I've read so far.
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I caught the Dresden Files on TV early the other morning. Like 02.00-early.
I started reading the books due to recommendations here, and did remember someone mentioning the TV series.

Given that it's been a very long time since I read a Dresden book I was quite satisfied with the TV programme.
Fleetingly, through my head, I wondered why they changed his coat. Seems so silly when men in long coats are so much more dynamic (the Doctor, Captain Jack etc) but I could forgive them their other tinkering.

I've chilled out a few degrees re screen adaptations. I think it was Bruce who took me to task about it, and he was right. I'm still not going to watch Where The Wild Things Are though
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