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Old 03-13-2013, 11:47 AM   #56
Now living the life of a POW
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: The Lost Corners of Colorado
Posts: 202
I agree that if good old boy Charlie wants to sell a gun to good old boy Bubba who just wants a shotgun to go 'coon hunting, the paperwork that would be required is ridiculous. But what if Bubba is actually a member of the Mexican Mafia?

As the saying goes "Only a good man with a gun can stop a bad man who wants to buy that gun."

The market for untraceable guns will increase - no question. But honest gun owners or just those who fear imprisonment by the Feds, will not be selling their guns under the table to shady characters - especially shady characters who pretend that they haven't just crawled out from underneath a rock.

The laws of supply and demand will ensure that the cost of an illegal gun will sky rocket. I was listening to a report on NPR about gang violence in the schools. Several gang members said that they got their guns for free, just for joining a gang. These kids were like 13 or 14 years old!

If higher gun prices on the black market makes it too costly to hand out a free gun to a 13 year-old, the background check law will not have been enacted in vain.
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