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Old 03-11-2013, 10:16 PM   #52
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
I took a friend's Gremlin for a day to fix it. One immediate task was to get rid noise inside the dashboard. I eventually removed the entire front panel. And still could not get to bolts that held the entire dash board to the frame. They were only finger tightened for good reason. It was virtually impossible to get a wrench on it.

Well I made something to eventually tighten it. Then learned another lesson about AMC. They used same connectors for multiple harnesses. ( No good car makes that mistake.) Got two connectors mixed up. Fortunately, my friend's uncle owned the AMC dealer. So they gave me access to the wiring diagrams.

The car was fun to drive. But I found reams of problems (and noises) all directly traceable to bad design and manufacturing practices.

BTW, all domestic cars back then had high beams on the floor.

By the time Courts decide it is legal to shoot Gremlins, those cars definitely will no longer exist.
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