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Old 03-11-2013, 09:08 AM   #11
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Warning - Cat-centric post!

With the 'rents away I have been sleeping on the sofa bed in this room.
Mum usually sleeps in here for part of the night.
After the first two nights I figured it was easier to let Diz in, even though my primary objective was to get away from him. Turns out we sleep so much better in a double bed, especially one at ground level.
There have been nights when I've shut him up and allowed Mia the run of the house though, just to be fair. I can leave the bedroom door open and she only comes and pats my face when she wants to go out in the early hours of the morning.

Diz craves heat. He saturates himself in it, gets mesmerised by it, and only occasionally sated by it. Those occasions are when our sleeping schedules collide (as the evil boy has chewed through all the wires on his own heating pad.)

He gets so warm under the covers that I am sometimes roused into sludgy awareness by him pushing himself away from me with his legs, as his furry little body no longer needs the powerhouse of heat I put out.

But when it goes well - as it has pretty much all this week - I love it.
Boy snuggled up against me, twitching in cat dreams. Snorts every now and then as he tries to bury his face in my skin, forgetting I'm not furry (I wear underwear to bed, this is not an animal abuse issue!) And the pure, dear fact of the trust of him, so tiny, sleeping in such abandon next to me.

Take a dog camping?
If you love your dog/s as much as I love Diz then I think it would be totes amazeballs.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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