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Old 02-24-2013, 12:07 PM   #17
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by orthodoc View Post
...If we're just bags of chemicals with an inevitable decommission date and no further existence, I understand Trilby's question: why bother?
Why bother? It's not like you had a choice to be born, but here you are. So why waste it pondering, "The meaning of Life". Do what makes you happy. For some it will be living as a selfish douche-bag, and for some, living in sacrifice to the happiness of others. Most find a balance in between.

I disagree with regular.joe on the inevitability of an argument, but strongly agree there is much more to the universe than we could possibly know. I've experienced weird things that defy all logic, things I'll never be able to explain, but I don't dwell on them.
Hey look, a butterfly.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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