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Old 03-10-2004, 04:21 PM   #41
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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It takes a very twisted mind indeed to stare Nazism in the face and say that neutrality was the correct position.

Or that the other countries were taken because they were NOT neutral.

Or that Switzerland forged its identity and position through careful judgement and not because it had centuries of experience building a strategic defense of its mountainous landscape.

Or that Switzerland would have lasted two weeks after the rest of Europe had been taken.

Or that the US, the most wealthy country on the earth, trading for resources in every deep corner, can manage its trade -- and thus its continued economic growth -- without protection of the systems that permit that trade. (I think DeSoto's "The Mystery of Capital" explains why free trade requires such protection.)

Or that the most wealthy and powerful nation on earth would never be a target merely for the sake of its power and wealth.
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