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Old 01-23-2013, 06:28 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
@ Lookout:
It matters in the same sense you probably learned in the AF.
You showed respect and saluted the rank, not the person in the uniform.

It also matters in the sense that Members of Congress are elected
to serve as representatives of all their district or state.

Their person opinions, unlike yours or mine as private citizens,
do not merit disrespectful or racist behavior, particularly when
it comes from the leadership of the Republican Party.
Last time I checked the president, senate, and house are not in a chain of command. Respecting the rank is irrelevent. I'm not an elected official so my opinion and actions aren't worth sand at this point, but when I wore the uniform I would have saluted Obama if in his presence. Today? I wouldn't hold the fucking door open for him. To be fair I wouldn't for most of the slime on either side of the aisle either. He's just a man. I owe him nothing and neither do Boehner and whoever else decided not to pose for the cameras.

If, in their estimation, there was nothing to lose by showing up then I see no problem in their absence. It's their call. to be fair, they had nothing to gain by attending either. The hard left would still hate them, the hard right would still exalt them and I would still feel the way I do about all of these men and women. Whatever.

and please do me a favor and drop the racist bullshit. People can despise his policies and dislike the man without being racist. I'm fairly certain BigV and many other dwellars hated GWB, and that certainly wasn't do to his being white. It's a lazy way to discredit and dehumanize those who don't agree with you and yours.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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