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Old 01-23-2013, 07:28 AM   #19
Glutton for Gluttony
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 1,409
Links to the monthly letters I've been writing for Beans. Pieces of each post included.

Three months

..."Before you came in to my life, I often wondered if I'd be willing to do what it takes to be a mom. The truth is, if they told me that to keep you healthy and happy I had to jump into a pit and wrangle an alligator, I'd tell your Daddy to bring me some rope and fire up the grill."...

Four months

..."Daddy and I took you to the pet store for the first time, this month, and you loved looking at all the colors and quickly moving animals. Your father held you in his arms and you leaned forward, following the bright blue budgies and the glistening goldfish behind the glass. You were fascinated. There was a part of me wanting to yell "My baby is seeing birds and fish for the first time!" and then I remember there is so much you get to do for the first time. Everything, in fact. I love seeing the wonder, the awe on your face. I am constantly reminded now to stop and enjoy these little things, to appreciate the mundane as if I, too, am experiencing it for the first time."...

Five months

..." Dinner time is a family deal, with Daddy and I taking turns to feed you as we eat our own dinners. After dinner, it's bathtime (HELLO SHAMU SPLASH ZONE) and pj's, then quiet play time until you drift off to sleep. You've been sleeping in a rocker in our room for this first part of your life, but I'm starting to put you down for naps in your crib. I can't believe how hard it is to let go! To encourage you to have your own space. Be patient with me, Anna, as I will spend at least the next twenty years of your life wanting to rush in to your rescue at the slightest sign of trouble. I am so proud of you as you start to do things for yourself, and at the same time, I can't believe how time is flying and how independent you'll be before I know it."...
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