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Old 01-11-2013, 12:38 PM   #565
Now living the life of a POW
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Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
All the bullies in my school experience from grade school through high school were pretty much out in the open with their activities and well known to the teachers, including the bully teachers.

And I went to good schools.

School was a huge FAIL when I was a kid.
I went to schools on Army bases until the 8th grade. The teachers there were pretty strict and the bullies confined themselves to bullying after school. A couple of "big kids" (third graders) terrorized me a time or two when I was a first grader walking home from school. It never occurred to me to tell a teacher, but I did tell my Mom.

The next day she was waiting for me outside the school grounds and she put the fear of dog into those two little monsters - name, rank, and serial number and just one more time and your father's commanding officer will be hearing about this! You go, Mom!

Needless to say, those two never bothered me again.

Adult intervention can make a big difference if the adults know what's going on, but kids can be pretty crafty.
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