Thread: Long Sundays
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Old 03-07-2004, 08:31 PM   #24
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
so far the Sunday list is looking good.

The hole and the powder burns in the wall have been repaired/painted over.

I filled out 25 job applications with a black crayon ( as usual ) but had to use the red crayon after the black one got too small to write with.

Sent Bush an e-mail.....recieved an auto-reply with an attachment showing a military style "thermal image" of my side of the building, presumably from that nice friendly cube van that's always parked down the street. They goofed up my name too....called me Mr. Hinkley. Ahh-well, just got me mixed up with someone else that just e-mailed them prolly.

Found a stuffed aminal dog ( that I *didnt* run over with the car ) to substitute for the neighbor's mutt. Should buy some time anyway.

Peeled the black plastic away from the window and *looked* outside instead of actually going outside during daylight.

While looking outside, spied some people that looked like they might have a life......studied them briefly....made some notes in my "if I had a life" workbook.

Took the vac totally apart to "fix" it.....lost some pieces in the process insuring that the vacuuming task stays deleted.

so overall.......looks pretty productive for a Sunday.
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