Thread: Snow guards
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Old 01-06-2013, 02:53 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by orthodoc View Post
Ice at the edge of your roof means there's a problem with the insulation. You don't want ice dams there - water backs up into your attic, and they're dangerous for anyone walking under the eaves.

In heavy snow areas we either pitch the roof steeply or shovel it regularly; sometimes both.
At first I was all, like, how does she know that kind of stuff? Then I was all, like, Oh yeah, she grew up in, like, Baffin Bay or something.

Yeah, Zippy, if you plan on getting snowed on a lot down there because of global warming changing the climate and shit, you're gonna need to insulate the crap out of your attic. Remember to vent it too. You could also let it be a "Cold" attic and just insulate the attic floor/ living area ceiling.

Where we are, 1) no one in their right mind has gutters because the snow and ice just rip them off, and 2) Houses that are well insulated or have cold attics have snow piled up on them without icicles.

You might want to invest in some sled dogs though, I bet Ortho can hook you up.
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