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Old 01-03-2013, 08:03 AM   #129
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
What is the attempted massacre that you won't hear hardly anything about in the news?

Gunman was unhappy with his girlfriend, so he followed her, when she went downtown, and shot her.

Then, not satisfied, he went into the movie complex, with the intention of shooting a bunch of people, and began firing.

Then something amazing happened. The VERY reason people like guns was realized.

An armed security guard (off duty cop), heard the shots, and came on the run. When the gunman kept waving around his gun (he got off a number of rounds, but only wounded a couple people).

SHE (a latina), shot him 4 times. He lived. (Can't have everything I guess).

You put a gun in the hands of a good person, who knows how to use it, and RIGHT THERE, you have the best thing to stop a nut who wants to kill everyone in sight.

But that doesn't fit the anti-gun agenda of the liberals. They much prefer us to be sheeple, not people, who know and have the tools, to stand up and defend ourselves.

In Texas, they gave the shooter a heroes medal.

In California, she'd probably be arrested and tried for a handful of felonies.

Perfect message, Infinite Monkey. Monkeys love to throw their shit around, and lordy how they stink! Even experienced game hunters retch at the smell.
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