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Old 12-26-2012, 06:58 PM   #11
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I'm a little slow, but based on my reading of the 3 ongoing gun threads I'm starting to think Lamplighter might not like guns. Who knew?

TW and Ibby didn't respond to my earlier questions so I guess expecting a rational consideration of an alternate view on gunrights wasn't what they were looking for.

Foot - you at least made an attempt. If I understand correctly, you are perfectly fine with gun ownership and use so long is it of a type you like, has a magazine capacity you feel is sufficient for your uses, and it is used in the manner you choose to use yours?

My point in asking about your statements about the firing mechanism and magazine capacity was really aimed at pointing out that your limit of 4 shots is perfectly arbitrary. By focusing on those issues you are doing what they did with the ridiculous "assault weapon" ban, fixating on the inconsequential.

If a lawabiding citizen likes to carry with 13 in the magazine and 1 in the chamber why does that matter to you? If a lawabiding citizen likes to target shoot with his AR-15 at his local range why does that matter to you?

Guns aren't the problem. Lawabiding citizens aren't the problem. The evilminded and the insane are the problem. Tightening restrictions on those who follow the law will have no effect on those who care nothing about the law or the consequences.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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