Thread: Tooths
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Old 12-21-2012, 05:33 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: MS. usa
Posts: 3,908
CT scans and tooth crap.
Before I went back to VA, I called the VA rep. at my congress man's office. I told him about the hassle for a meal ticket, If you live over 50 miles, and have to fast before test, you get a meal ticket. Maybe, if you can find the SOB.
So, was early and went to patients rep. told her my story. She really impressed me with her affirmatives action style.
She made a few call and told them what she thought I said. I didn't say that. Hell let me speak with them. She was so busy thinking about her diction that all went to hell.
Anyway she told me to check back at lower extremities clinic for ticket.
Then I report for Ct scan, hey we're going to do a chest scan. Why in the fuck did someone send me the crap to drink? For only a chest ct?
Someone there was on ball, made a few calls. Gave me shit to drink & iv then did all of ct scans.
Then I go back to where the lady told me for ticket. No deal, only for nuclear meds. Back to her, she acted like I went to wrong place and pissed me off. So I went back, with her tailing me. They finally got me a ticket. She left with her nose in the air.
Tooth fairy I have no teeth on my left side now. Upper & lower. We saved some for Christmas. Right?? Happy Holidays all!! from deep in dixie!!!
I've haven't left very deep footprints in the sands of time. But, boy I've left a bunch.
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