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Old 12-16-2012, 02:38 AM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
[quote=richlevy;843972]I must have missed the civil rights claim. Was there one? It's not in the article cited.

He has been charged with beastiality, which his attorney has announced they will be fighting as illegal as it violates Carlos's civil rights.

That's the announcement - but legal work has to be done before it can be filed.


I love slippery slope arguments. Everyone makes them, for and against. Guns, abortion, you name it. I'm sure someone made the donkey argument in Loving v. Virginia, which struck down miscegenation laws against interracial marriage.

The point is that it always comes the the 'reasonable person' argument. That middle of the road man or woman who draws the line.

Adak, I'm pretty sure I know where you would have come down on Loving v. Virginia. The reason you don't say so now is the same reason no one else does - that what seemed radical, heretical, and against tradition to a large number of people turned out to be rational public policy.

Look at the 'biblical' justification by the segregationist judge ruling against the couple. The wave of ignorance coming off a man in a position of trust is terrifying.

We evolve, Adak. The reason Christians are not still burning people at the stake or in other ways acting as atrociously as some conservative Muslims is that 'liberal' forces as well as a few hundred years of internal bloodshed have acted upon the church. There is still ethnic strife involving Christian populations, but none of it is sanctioned. People evolve, religions evolve. Maybe at some point they will go too far, but I for one am glad that noone listened to the Adaks of the past who fought for tradition and belittled change.
That might be true for some people - my Bible says to love your neighbor, as yourself, to love your enemy, when they do you harm.

Mine never mentions this "burn them alive at the stake", so what you are calling "liberal" NOW, is really quite conservative with the original message of Jesus' teachings.

And what you are calling "conservative", in the days of the Inquisition and religious wars and laws, really were quite liberal, weren't they?

Because there is no torture recommendation in the Bible - that's something that some Liberals thought up, all on their own. They couldn't accept the real teachings of Christ - so they substituted in it's place, their own doctrine, of hate.

And now they want to substitute their own "living document" meanings for our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

No thanks!! We've seen where that kind of thinking leads, before.
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