Thread: Merc - Wtf?
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Old 12-11-2012, 03:51 AM   #215
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Lamp, my understanding of what V is saying is that young people are at times able to be *influenced but at others not, and that at this point, Ibs is not particularly interested in hearing from people here, that the way he goes about getting his point across at times is not helpful to his cause. Sorry, I mean her. I guess I could have gone back and edited the he's to she's, but left it as it was simply because for me, it's still a conscious effort to refer to Ibs in the feminine. ftr, it makes no difference to me other than the inclusion of an extra consonant. How people live their lives is really up to them unless it infringes on my rights or freedom. Clearly Ibs choices don't, so she can do as she pleases. Maybe that's what's really getting on some people's nerves. The lady doth protest too much?! In any case, I too have not felt the need to respond in any way for months about Ibs sexuality simply because I don't see any point. Ibs is doing what she needs/wants to do and nothing I do or say is likely to change that at this stage because she is clearly not too interested in hearing my opinion on it or how she's going about things. Why waste my breath? It wont change what she does in any way. Maybe down the track things will change. Till then, I think most of us here feel that it's best to leave Ibs to her own devices and live or die by her own hand.

*I'm pretty sure he means as mature adults, giving children the benefit of your experiences in the world thanks to having been around longer. Trying to help them make less mistakes etc, or to find an easier path.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber

Last edited by Aliantha; 12-11-2012 at 03:57 AM.
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