Thread: Weird News
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Old 12-05-2012, 07:58 AM   #1
infinite monkey
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Homework gets a bad rap. Of course, I could knock out my homework in about 20 minutes. Sometimes I did it on the bus. Yes, I got good grades.

A little homework is good. Maybe an hour's worth. I hear about parents sitting with their kids for hours working on maf. My parents never had to help me with homework, I wouldn't have even thought about asking them. I thought the purpose was (in a general sense) to teach the kids a bit of autonomy. Read a few pages, write a small paper, do a couple geometry problems.

Over-homeworked makes no sense. As Clod said, in different words, there's something wrong with the classroom experience if kids are spending hours and hours and needing a helper. Though I would attribute a bit of the helper to tiger parenting and some sort of crazed competitiveness over how successful their kid is at whatever.
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