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Old 12-03-2012, 12:11 PM   #55
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Your explanation for a team house, is completely different than it is for an embassy or consulate. We have treaties in place for the latter, but not for the former.

In fact, a military response team was sent to Benghazi, but they arrived some 15 hours after the attack began. Since Al Qaeda returned to the attack, one or two of the KIA, was from the response team.

The response was piss poor, everyone knows that. That is very bad, but by far the worst thing was to have the President's spokesperson (Rice), come out and spin her lies to us on no less than FIVE tv talk shows, that weekend.

Lies that she got, according to Obama, straight from him and his staff.

It wasn't the intelligence briefing that had the lie about it being a demonstration over a film - they never thought that was true in Libya. This was an attack from al Qaeda, not a film demonstration. It was confirmed with a recon drone, for god's sake.

If our Commander in Chief thinks he's going to lie to us, with impunity, over a military attack on our state department personnel, involving fatalities, our Commander in Chief, had better think again.

Of course, he lied to the families of those KIA, when Obama met them, as well (at Andrews Air Force Base).

I'm sure he's such a practiced liar that a few shed tears from a grieving widow, did not interrupt his lie, even a little bit.

Looks like Obama has been taking lying lessons from Clinton. At least Clinton's lies were banal, and you had to laugh. I loved his:
"It depends on what your definition of "is", is". -- such a classic!
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