Thread: Merc - Wtf?
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Old 12-02-2012, 10:09 AM   #12
Wearing her bitch boots
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In my opinion, intolerance of intolerance is still intolerance. Tolerance does not involve neutrality, it, by it's very definition, requires that you disagree with whom/whatever you are tolerating. Also, tolerating a person and/or idea is much different from tolerating behavior. Disagreeing with someone's opinion is not a personal indictment of their character.

I didn't care for many of Merc's political/social stances, but liked a lot of other facets of him - his family, work ethic, kids, etc.

And yes, I quite enjoy interacting with people of opposing views, as long as it doesn't get personally aggressive. I like the growth that comes from trying to understand where people I disagree with are coming from. And if I find someone is behaving in a way that I will not tolerate, instead of trying to change THEM, I just remove myself from the interaction.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi
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