Thread: Merc - Wtf?
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Old 11-30-2012, 03:54 PM   #14
Goon Squad Leader
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That's a terrible thing for him to say to you.

I've seen that before, and I've seen a number of other statements that are shitty too. But there's a fundamental difference between what a person is, and what a person says. Of course that goes both ways. I've heard sweet nothings that came from the lips of people who acted very differently. Furthermore, we've all had the experience of speaking in anger, overreacting. I won't speak for mercy, nor for you. But I know that the words we see here are the barest sliver of what makes us whole, makes us human.

I'm not trying to change your mind, only you can do that. But I can assure you that there's a great difference between a person's words and a person's humanity.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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