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Old 03-05-2004, 02:29 PM   #68
The urban Jane Goodall
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Originally posted by mrnoodle

To reply:
1) Overly simplistic. Reality itself is subjective to the person experiencing the reality. Truth, on the other hand....
Reality is not subjective. How that reality is defined is what is subjective. Rain falls, lightning crashes, and babies are born regardles of whether we choose to experience it or not.

And what about truth?

Originally posted by mrnoodle

2) God has everything to do with it. Religion is man's attempt to understand God. While anthropologists might be able to come up with theories on the origin of religion, that doesn't mean that the origins themselves weren't divinely inspired.
Religion is man's attempt to rationalize an unknown and apparently uncaring world into sometheing where he has some control or consolation.

Religion is also a social control tool that came about in the place of government or to replace, resist, assist government

Originally posted by mrnoodle

3) is correct. If one of the religions is true, the rest must be false. Either that, or there is no God.
There is no guarantee that any one of them is true.

Originally posted by mrnoodle

Myself, I think there's enough historical evidence for the prophecies in the Christian bible to lend credence to that religion. It holds up logically in theological debate as well, but no religion can be PROVEN true through debate. You just have to weigh the evidence and decide for yourself if something MIGHT be likely to be true. Weee
If you think that what proof has been given is sufficient then more power to you, but if you dig a little deeper then you find that most of the myths of the bible are pulled from an earlier religion in the first place so wouldn't that then lend more credence to the earlier religions instead?
I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. - Aristotle
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