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Old 11-21-2012, 11:25 PM   #35
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Before I give my $.02, has anyone here besides me served in a politically sensitive, small foot print place like the consolate in Benghazi? My second to last deployment I spent in Peshawar, Pakistan. My last very short deployment was to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, just got back last Saturday. I have an opinion on this whole Benghazi incident based on experience and a little bit of understanding of our agreements and lack there of with other countries.

If I would have had to shoot it out off the roof top of my team house in Pesh, the Cavalry would not have been called. There are serious issues of sovereignty and acts of war involved in sending troops or a fly over with an air strike. I understood going into a place like Pesh that I was at a higher risk, and would be on my own if shit went south. I suspect the guys in Benghazi knew the same. I really don't care bout the national politics, other then using the deaths of these brave men as a spring board for someones political aspirations. I don't like that.

I'm putting this out here because I think we shouldn't lie to ourselves about this. Most Americans don't seem to understand that we just cant send in an Infantry Battalion or a Seal Team when ever and where ever we want, or just maybe send in some fast movers for 3 guys in a building. There are places that it's not going to happen, it doesn't matter who the President is. Be angry about it if you want, but the facts are not going to change about this. I'm not a politician or a General trying to save my job at the expense of public opinion so I can be honest with ya'll. We got away with schwacking Bin Ladin in PK, the price of this you guys will never know, I'm sure it's going to be astronomical. If we had done a similar high profile action in a country like Russia, we might be trading misiles right now. Is it a tragedy? Yes. Regardless of whether it was riots over a video or an organized attack in country could it have gone different? I don't think so.
Birth, wealth, and position are valueless during wartime. Man is only judged by his character --Soldier's Testament.

Death, like birth, is a secret of Nature. - Marcus Aurelius.
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