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Old 11-20-2012, 09:16 PM   #31
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by Stormieweather View Post
Oh and if they were so concerned about security, maybe they should have approved the requests for additional funding for extra security before all this happened.
In cheapshots and soundbyte accusations, they forget to include numbers. Since every consulate at risk requires a company of soldiers, then America does not have enough military. Oh. No wonder they want to spend so much more on military. Realities such as costs have no relevance. After all "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter".

Would it be smarter to not invade nations that were a threat to no one? Unfortunately, when we did that, then extremists (or insurgents) were inspired to attack us. Apparently we want to inspire extremists by maintaining many wars simultaneously every year of every decade. Then assign a company of soldiers to every US consulate. Of course, that means a military draft so that we have enough soldiers to povide protection.
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