Thread: Car question
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Old 11-18-2012, 04:01 PM   #234
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I thought I would check the PCV valve since that was suggested. I pulled off the vacuum hose to the PCV valve, and the engine almost stalled and then started revving and then cycling between to two. When I put my finger over the end of the vacuum hose the engine settled down into its normal rough idle. It had been sucking air in like crazy.

The manual says that if you put your finger over the PCV valve inlet, it should snap back into place. I tried it and the valve did nothing. So I pulled the valve. It was perfectly clean, and I could shake it and hear the plug inside rattling back and forth. I guess the PCV valve is fine.

So then I started disconnecting the spark plugs one at a time and listening to the engine. Now I know what missing sounds like. It's very distinctive. The engine wasn't missing before. As I disconnected each spark plug in turn, the engine would sound worse each time. So I think it's not missing.

But now my check engine light was on! Disconnection a spark plug will do that. Fortunately, the CarChip Pro did exactly what it's supposed to do and I was able to turn that light back off.

So I haven't solved anything, but it's been fun playing with the pencils on the bench.

Maybe cars just sound like shit as they get older.
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