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Old 11-16-2012, 03:02 PM   #8
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I wanna know about her loincloth and that kid's fancy schmancy electronics gadget thar.

And yes, yes that is a penis. I think. It's been like three years since I've seen one.

Let's review, shall we? She needs money for 'bills." Bill's what, I ask? Bill's toupee?

There's a guy offering 50 bucks, apparently for the tired and poor huddled masses, but for doing what? Learning to drape oneself in shiny pimp velour? Or for the wacky weed growing there? Or is it for turning the Laid Off Lady into a Laid On Lady. Hey, I didn't point the arrow.

What is 'enrolling now'? Clown college?

Is that the National Cremation Society behind Larry Liberty?

That's my ex's white van.

I also would like to know why the kid has a mustard bottle atop his head.

There are just too many unknowns here.

And remember: every time you point a sign at someone, you'll have one penis pointing back at you.
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