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Old 11-15-2012, 11:26 AM   #13
Goon Squad Leader
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The degree of entitlement she appears to feel is matched only by her hubris.

Witness her ignorance on full display as she attempts to invoke diplomatic inviolability as a justification for dealing with journalists on her property. Here's the recording of the 911 call.

When U.S. Central Command named Kelley an “honorary ambassador” last year to thank her for her time, it appears to have been wholly symbolic, carrying no official responsibilities or rights. But Kelley has been known to drop the “honorary” from that title, and appeared to represent herself as a formal diplomatic officer in a recent 911 call to Tampa police. Here’s the Associated Press report on the call (emphasis mine):
In the phone call to authorities, Jill Kelley, a party hostess and unofficial social liaison for leaders of the U.S. military’s Central Command in Tampa, cited her status as an honorary consul general while complaining about news vans that had descended on her two-story brick home overlooking Tampa Bay.

“You know, I don’t know if by any chance, because I’m an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property. I don’t know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well,” she told the 911 dispatcher Monday.
Alas, Kelley almost certainly does not have diplomatic “inviolability” or right to “protection,” and not just for the most obvious reason that she is not an actual diplomat. The immunity only applies to a country’s official diplomatic representatives abroad, and, alas, Tampa is still not considered a foreign country.
Good grief. I don't condone trespassing, but Florida has some laws that make it extremely easy to justify extreme measures to protect yourself and your property (see Castle Doctrine). "I have diplomatic immunity"? I think she just stuck that word "diplomatic" in there because she heard someone else say it. It appears what she thinks, feels, and expects is just plain "immunity".
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