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Old 11-13-2012, 02:34 PM   #23
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The General Patraeus scandal continues to grow ever more bizarre. Like he sent explicit e-mails to Paula Broadwell using his gmail account believing that it was a secure account??? The head of the CIA was that stupid? And then Broadwell, using an e-mail account she shares with her husband, sends threatening e-mails to Jill Kelley threatening Kelley to keep her hands off Broadwell's man? So Kelley complains to a friend in the FBI who responds by sending Kelley a picture of himself without a shirt (via e-mail of course). But as it turns out, the FBI guy's feelings are not reciprocated since Jill Kelley has the hots for General John Allen which the FBI discovered when they investigated Kelley's own e-mail accounts.

For those who haven't been following the story Allen is the senior four-star commander of U.S. and international troops in Afghanistan.
Or was, maybe. These are the people who are leading the war against terrorism? And they don't even understand the pitfalls of letting it all hang out in their e-mail accounts?

If this was a TV soap opera - Maybe Army Wives? No one would believe it for a second. The US Army is going to be a long time living this one down.

Last edited by SamIam; 11-13-2012 at 04:27 PM.
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