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Old 11-10-2012, 06:48 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by orthodoc View Post
It's the power and prestige. Men at that age and rank don't need to look good. Of course, money helps.
Well, I'm S.O.L. on all those counts. Next?

Originally Posted by orthodoc View Post
So, okay - not all women engage and invest. They do most of the time, especially with males who are their peers. The ones who go after men with money, status, power - not so much. I see so many 50-something newly-divorced men around here who are delighted that women twenty, thirty years younger are coming on to them, and I shake my head. Do they really think those women want their hot bodies? Do they really think they'll have anything to say to each other in the morning? Or in a year or two after they've snagged the trophy wife or gf?

But those 50-something men won't even look at a woman their own age or close to it, someone who would have much more in common with them in terms of maturity and life experience - and just stage of life. But that doesn't seem to be a priority. And then you just watch the train wreck happen.
I'm a 50 something man and have no interest at all in women young enough to be my daughter conceived during my high school prom. (Except Clodfobble until I found out how young she was, then, it was only for her amazing ability to parse the craziest posts and make them understandable.)

Essentially, I think I am un-marriageable due to marginal looks, meager income, and negligible power. I've got smarts and talent in spades but have yet to meet a woman of any age who is interested in those things in me. It's always all about the $ with women, & it's usually the younger, pretty ones who get the pick of the litter. As my friend's step dad told her on her 18th birthday, "There's two things that make the world go around; Money and Pussy. The money chases after the pussy and the pussy chases after the money."

Crass, but essentially accurate, I think.

I also base this on observations during a year worked as a portrait photographer for a dating service. The young, handsome well-mannered men with blue collar jobs got repeatedly snubbed, and the fat, short, balding, boorish lawyers, stockbrokers, doctors and bankers got more ass than a toilet seat.

The only really happy people with realistic expectations were the widows and widowers. For them to want to re-up after a get out of jail free card must have meant that they enjoyed marriage and loved their spouse.
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