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Old 11-10-2012, 06:36 AM   #5
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
It's the power and prestige. Men at that age and rank don't need to look good. Of course, money helps.

So, okay - not all women engage and invest. They do most of the time, especially with males who are their peers. The ones who go after men with money, status, power - not so much. I see so many 50-something newly-divorced men around here who are delighted that women twenty, thirty years younger are coming on to them, and I shake my head. Do they really think those women want their hot bodies? Do they really think they'll have anything to say to each other in the morning? Or in a year or two after they've snagged the trophy wife or gf?

But those 50-something men won't even look at a woman their own age or close to it, someone who would have much more in common with them in terms of maturity and life experience - and just stage of life. But that doesn't seem to be a priority. And then you just watch the train wreck happen.
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