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Old 11-07-2012, 07:25 PM   #8388
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
Heh - first time anyone's wanted me for my Canadian citizenship.

I'm so frustrated tonight - lost track of the fact that my vehicle registration was up for renewal and discovered it expired Oct. 31! I never, never lose track of things like that. I keep worrying about getting chemo-brain. I did the online stuff but also have to call my insurance agent for a new card, as that expires Dec. 1. And perfect storm, my license expires Nov. 11. I did the online thing to get a photo card but - really? - a driver's license photo while I'm having chemo, wearing a wig. Well, that'll be fun to show the state troopers for the next five years. And I have to go back to PA to get it because my insurance is still in PA (insurance agent said it was cool since I was coming back ... don't know if that's true now, but that's my story at the moment). Wonder if I can play the cancer card on this one ... somehow I think the DMV people are just not going to be sympathetic.

My second chemo is tomorrow and I'll be alone for it, which is ok, but I have SO much academic stuff to get done literally by tomorrow, I'm back to pulling all-nighters. And sleep through chemo, maybe? I don't seem as efficient as I used to be and I hate to ask for extensions. Hate it. I want to rock these courses and come out the other side celebrating.

I won't have the Neulasta shot this time, which is good and bad. Good because the worst of the bone pain shouldn't happen; the really bad stuff, my onco told me, was the shot. Bad because I'll go truly neutropenic this time and be at risk of getting something nasty and ending up in hospital. Everybody risks this, I guess. Just scary because I do clinics all next week and could pick up anything. It's not as bad as doing Peds or Infectious Disease but still a risk.

And other upsets that seem worse tonight - probably the steroids making things seem worse - but. I want to rock my MPH and be as on top of things as I've been the past two weeks, and I can see it all slipping away. I'm so upset tonight, I'm playing my Angry Sad Music playlist.

One good thing ... the Affordable Care Act will continue in force. Thank every force in the universe I can imagine, and those I can't imagine.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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