Thread: Hurricane Sandy
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Old 11-01-2012, 02:57 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by orthodoc View Post
@tw: you are in error.

I made an observation, based on your repeatedly-expressed opinion (not fact) that 5 min/hour of storm coverage should have been sufficient. There was no emotion in my post, merely an observation, a couple of questions, and a suggestion.

Richlevy's post, on the other hand, contained considerable emotion. The emotion made it a better post, in my opinion, than if he had attempted to keep strictly to facts. It gave us more insight into his thinking. The purpose of communication, after all, is not limited to the back and forth presentation of fact alone. Your posts are filled with opinion and emotion.

That said, I believe you have a difficult time accurately identifying emotions (this is an opinion, not a fact, but neither is it an expression of emotion). You also are confusing opinion with fact when you tell me to stick to the facts and then want me to reply about unprofessional media coverage (unprofessional being an opinion; perhaps you meant to say inaccurate?) and massive damage 'that did not exist' (again, your opinion despite your provided photos - other evidence exists that belies your claim).

I disagree with your self-congratulatory assessment of your wording as a 'test' of my ability to 'remain logical'. You have inaccurately labeled my post as 'emotional' as a way of dismissing it without actually responding to its content. Your dismissal of emotion as 'adolescent' is invalid, but revealing. Your wording, in fact your entire post, demonstrates transference: you attribute to me that which in fact pertains to you. Your posts throughout this thread have been filled with opinion and emotion.

I decline to participate further in a conversation in which you demonstrate an inability to differentiate between fact, opinion, and emotion and attempt to compensate for that lack by resorting to personal insult. Fact, opinion, and emotion have their place; including more than one of them in a post enhances communication (see the post from richlevy). Personal insult is unworthy of intelligent conversation and/or debate.
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