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Old 10-31-2012, 02:36 AM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
This is not a "just world". That is a fantasy, that will never be reality.

Being anxious is a problem, but it's one you can work on. You learn what triggers it, and set up mental (and practical physical) defenses against it. You should have learned a few of these, along with your meds.

Don't rely on the meds alone - rely on yourself, and try to wean yourself off the meds. Doctors will not always have the fix for your anxieties, since they are uniquely your own. You are with yourself 24/7, so no one else will know you better, or know at any moment, what is the best course of action to take to keep yourself on the path to best health.

As your anxieties decrease, your overall mental state should improve as well. Tell yourself not to accept being depressed and morose, and act like you're happy, anyway. Listen to some uplifting music - watch a cartoon or show you really like. You be strong for YOU, and you can't do that being depressed.

Nationalized health care would help some people, but care is always rationed. You can wait a LONG time for that doctors appointment or treatment. Some treatments are simply denied, as too expensive. Those requiring the most care, are the ones who will be most hurt, and you have NO right to object by filing suit in court - because this is the gov't, don't you know.

If you are promoted in a job, the responsibilities and pressures usually become greater. The manual labor part may decrease, but the managerial/administrative part, will increase.

You can do this! Adapt and overcome, and don't depend on others to make it easy for you - or you'll really be weakening yourself. You have to tackle your life - not wait and hope someone will catch it and offer it to you, all clean and shiny.

Life is messy sometimes, and it certainly can't be "just" or "fair".

Good luck in your pursuits!
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