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Old 01-09-2002, 12:50 PM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 1,788
Originally posted by dhamsaic

That Sharon is a "dic head", of course!

As far as oil prices, I think one of the best things that could possibly happen would be gas prices going up to like $5/gallon - you'd see a lot of people dumping their gas-guzzlers for more fuel-efficient models, and in turn, more fuel-efficient models would be produced. That's a <b>good</b> thing.
Um, if you don't ignore the side effects. Like everything which depends on fuel (which is just about everything) increasing in cost. You want to cause instant recession, that'll do it.

Further, I could use a big gas guzzling monster about now. You know how much Ikea charges to deliver two $75 bookshelves? $110! Gack. How am I supposed to furnish my place if I can't get any furniture?
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