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Old 10-02-2012, 10:46 PM   #15
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
Just block her. Or go ahead and un-friend her.

Alternatively, why not just have some fun with her? Tell her what a sanctimonious bitch she is, or make snarky comments, or just flat-out lie to her about how your life turned out. It could be very therapeutic.

I have one like that too. Source of some deep pain when I was 14 or so - long complicated story that changed my life dramatically for years thereafter. I got a request from a mutual friend, and she (kind of a pollyanna) kinda shmushed us back together - this girl requested me and I accepted to please the pollyanna. As a result I am constantly reminded of how much we have in common and why we were BFF's in the first place . . . but OTOH, of why I couldn't stand her. It's like eighth grade all over again. I need to take my own advice!

In her case it's not financial bragging but intellectual "I'm smarter than you and always knew it" bragging. Which is how it began all those years ago, too. Weirder still, our lives turned out very similar - it's not like she got a Ph.D and left me behind uneducated in the dust. There are many, many kinds of envy.
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