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Old 10-02-2012, 10:36 PM   #7
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
Do you realize how hard certain groups of people have worked over the years simply to have the ability to vote? Minorities, women, poor people/non-land owners, and AMERICANS in general vs. colonists of Britain??? And you're just gonna not bother voting 'cause none of the issues or candidates is a perfect paragon of idealism?

Fine. We're better off that way. If more clueless people stayed home on election day, the results might be more productive. As for me, I've made up my mind - and I WILL be at the voting booth.

Staying home and doing nothing is NOT the way to elicit change. You don't like what's out there? Get off your ass and work for something better. Volunteer for political action groups. Make phone calls to raise campaign contributions for Mr. Unknown (who will continue to be unknown if his supporters just say meh, why bother). Write letters to the less-than-ideal candidates and elected officials. Organize boycotts and demonstrations. DO something.

I might not agree with everyone who does something to effect political change, but I have deep respect for those who DO IT instead of just whining about it.
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