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Old 10-02-2012, 09:45 PM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2008
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That's a plan, but I don't see how it's a solution. What does it solve JBK? How does it solve what you say it solves?
I don't think it solves anything but if the majority dose not vote then we can all agree that we have a legitimate problem. The biggest problem in American government is that no one agrees with each other.

With respect to your poverty and your family's poverty, what do you want or expect from our government, regardless of party labels?
I expect it to be morally correct.

You can go to a voting booth and find at least one issue that means something to you, or one candidate who isn't completely abhorrent. You vote for that one thing. Only then will your civil commentary mean anything.

Not picking any of the choices is a choice itself. I've done it. But I had a ballot cast, so my nonvote meant something.
Yes that sounds like a solution.
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