Thread: Please kill me
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Old 10-01-2012, 08:54 AM   #6
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
IM, with all your experience it seems to me you could start a moon-lighting
consulting business for parents of college-bound students.

This path of moon-lighting consulting worked wonders for me.
I was in a job I hated, and would wake up in a good mood,
but become an evil SOB by the time I arrived at work.

By moon-lighting, the regular job keeps the $ coming in, as needed,
so there is little risk if the new path doesn't work out well enough.
But if it does work out, gradually your independence increases until you can quit
the regular job saying "I'm done here.", but you still have the personal and professional contacts.

And... if your new business goes really well and you can train a couple of other people,
eventually you can sell the business and make out like a tall-dog.
... and there's no daily commuting
I have, absolutely, thought about consulting work. There are even some companies who hire consultants to process stuff from home. You are basically running your own business though...the way I interpret bennies or anything like that.

Never thought about it as part-time to see if it would work out.

Oh yeah, I need a new computer though. I don't have a techie friend either.
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